In light of the cancellation of spring / summer conferences due to Covid-19, we are planning to host a Virtual Thermoelectric Conference (VCT2020) to allow members of the thermoelectric community to share their most recent research. The meeting will be held online from July 21st – 23rd 2020 using the Zoom platform.
To give visibility to early career researchers, the call for oral contributions is restricted to students and postdocs. Oral presentations will be selected based on nominations from the PIs. PIs can nominate their students for oral presentations by May 08, 2020 using the following Google Form link: https://forms.gle/euc32KTBEs3nQ2P77. Poster contributions will be open to all participants and held via Twitter (VCT2020 hashtags will be provided in advance).
Attendance will be open to anyone who registers for the event. We do not anticipate any registration fee. Due to scheduling constraints, we are currently accepting oral contributions from US- and Europe-based research groups only, and we plan to hold the sessions primarily during US business hours. However, if there is interest, we would be more than happy to work with an organizing committee based in Asia to increase the scope of VCT to include Asian time-zones and oral contributions. Please contact Alexandra Zevalkink (alexzev@msu.edu) if interested in organizing an Asia-based program.
At this writing the conference website is not yet up and running, but it will be soon. Further information will soon be provided at https://vct2020.its.org as it becomes available.